The parameter of word count has a lot of significance in the academic assignments as most of the universities impose a strict requirement for assignment word count. Any assignment with the word count exceeding the stipulated word count would be charged with post submission penalties in terms of deduction of marks. Generally, as per the survey conducted from many universities, it was estimated that the specific variation of the word count should never go beyond the 10% limit of the total word count expected. However, as per the survey conducted by Harvard University around 2 out of 5 students submit their final assignment by exceeding the word limit.
Most of the students while drafting their final assignment, dissertation, or thesis paper find it difficult to maintain the word length of their document. However, we are well versed that by using MS office the word count is displayed automatically, but it is tough in the case of PDF files as words are processed manually. Thus, our word count services are free of cost and would ensure in calculating the exact word limit irrespective of the document type.
Thus, at our online word count tool is a well-designed service providing clear estimation of the pages required for drafting a particular assignment with certain expectation in the word count.
Top features to choose for online word count services:
- Our word count tool displays the real-time count of total numbers of characters with and without spaces that are applicable for users’ who use character limits for posting on various social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, SMS, etc.
- We also provide an estimated reading time in which it prescribes how quickly a text can be read along with mentioning the time.
- Our services help in displaying the total number of word count on top of the counter box.
- We also provide all the important keywords there in the paragraph so that you know if you have covered all the important keywords for the article you are writing.
Benefits of using our online word count tool
Tired of calculating the word count manually? Don’t worry. To make this word count tool lightning-fast, we at work effortlessly to check the metrics of the content in milliseconds. We as an ideal tool aim to improve the quality of the assignments using the premium benefits.
Thus, let’s check the significant advantages of using our word count tool
- High Compatibility:our word count tool is highly compatible with every possible device and could easily be accessible to everyone. For that purpose, it doesn’t matter if you are using it on a mobile or a computer.
- Accuracy: There are several other sites providing a word count tool but with we provide you the most accurate observation with many other added features and benefits.
- Five in one feature: At we value time and therefore, we provide not only one feature but three features consisting of counting of words, counting of character, and also other features to calculate the number of paragraphs, number of sentences, and main keywords of the article in one go.
- Content safety and security: We highly prioritize our users’ privacy and safety thus follows a strict policy with regards to content safety. We assure the text stored or calculated in our database is confidential and secured.
- Combination of multiple useful purposes: the users could use our online word count tool for several purposes. This is not only limited to academic tasks and assignments but also you could be used for posts for social media platforms or more writing articles for the SEO that contain specific word limits and a specific set of necessary keywords. Thus, a combination of these multiple tools will enable users to create high quality and consistent content.