Module Code: BMGT2010

Module Subject: Essential PR

Assignment 1: Individual report

Word Limit or equivalent (e.g. time) : 2, 500

Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Appraise the theoretical foundations of organisational communication
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of Public Relations campaigns.
  3. Examine the social, technological, financial and ethical challenges related to public relations
  4. Evaluate the social, psychological, business and communication background to the creation of lasting impact
  5. Design a PR campaign applying relevant PR concepts and models

What do I need to do to make a success of this assignment?

This assignment requires you to prepare a Public Relations Programme:

  1. Select ONE organisation/brand/Personality/Politician,
  2. Conduct an analysis examining the following key elements:
    1. The Organisation
    2. The Situation
    3. The public
  3. Define the Public Relations problem considering the social, technological, financial and ethical challenges related to Public Relations.
  4. Propose a Public Relation Strategy and present three tactics to implement the strategy
  5. You are required to consider ONE UNSDG and evaluate how it applies to the situation
  6. Your strategy proposal and tactics proposal should aim to solve the Public Relations Problem and consider the:
    1. Social
    2. Psychological
    3. Business
    4. And communication

background to guarantee the success of the proposal

  1. Your task is to prepare a report to be presented to the board of directors


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