Module Code: BMP3005

Module Subject: Applied Business Finance

Importance of Financial Management

Individual report : 2000 words

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to interpret basic financial data.

LO2: Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to maintain basic financial records.

LO3: Illustrate how financial data analysis can aid decision making in business.

LO4: Demonstrate ICT skills in data manipulation.

Assignment Brief:

Produce a report based upon the Case Study provided to answer the following question: 

Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management. Using examples, describe and discuss the processes businesses might use to improve their financial performance.    

Your report should include the following sections:-

Section 1

Introduction: Define and discuss the concept and importance of financial management. (10 marks)

Section 2

Describe and discuss the main financial statements and explain the use of ratios in financial management. (20 marks)

Section 3 


    1. Complete the Information on the ‘Business Review Template (Ensure that you

display your calculations for this detail).

    1. Using Excel produce an Income Statement for the Sample Organisation (see

Case Study). This should be included within your appendices.

    • Using Excel complete the Balance Sheet
    1. Using the Case study information describe the profitability, liquidity and

efficiency of the company based on the results of ratio analysis. (30 marks)

Section 4

Using examples from the case study describe and discuss the processes this business might use to improve their financial performance. (30 marks)       

Section 5 

Your report should be written using proper English grammar and should be   referenced appropriately.  Each reference cited in the report must appear in the reference list at the end. (10 marks)


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