Module Number: BMP5005

Module Name: Enterprise, Innovation & Creativity

Assessment Type (and weighting): Group Project Plan – 50% (3000 words)

Assessment Name: Business Plan

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO3: Develop and justify a plan for a business opportunity

LO4: Analyse support and resource requirements, as well as potential risks and barriers, in relation to a business opportunity

Assessment Brief:

Your objective is to design a comprehensive plan for a novel and innovative product (could be a tangible product or a service) of your preference.  You need to form a group of 4 or 5 students and create a group project plan for a new business opportunity and the support and resources required, as well as potential risks and barriers. Your goal should be to cover the following topics:

  1. An assessment of the external environment in relation to the opportunity
  2. Justification of the value of the opportunity being developed
  3. An analysis of limiting and enabling factors in relation to the exploitation of the opportunity as well as potential risks and barriers
  4. A consideration of the major functional elements of the business including Production, Marketing and Financial Strategy/Plan


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