Module title: BU6405 – Leadership

Essay format. 2,000 words +/- 10% (50% weighting)

learning Outcomes:

  1. Critically analyse the concepts of leadership styles and leadership skills in different organisational and operational context.
  2. Critically evaluate the structure of, and leadership relationships that exist within organisations, and the balance of leadership and management skills.
  3. Critically analyse theoretical models of leadership and critically evaluate these models.

Assessment task:

The academics and industry specialist have been emphasising on the increasing need of leadership roles in the organisation to develop a culture that is productive, cohesive, and have the ability to strengthen organisation’s capability to sustain in today’s tough economic conditions.

Select a leader in the world of business, (UK or international). This maybe from the public or private sector, including commercial and non-profit organisations.

  1. Critically analyse the essential and desired leadership qualities, and leadership approaches in the context of creating organisational culture that is equally beneficial to its employees and to achieving organisational objectives.
  2. Critically analyse the argument, which is “Do we need to replace managers with leaders, or we need managers as much as we need leaders?”
  3. Critically analyse the pros and cons of transformational leadership style when initiating and leading change. Critically analyse the key attributes a transformational leader must possess.

Specific Criteria/Guidance

A good introduction (Approximately 125 to 150 words) with clear aims and objectives, introduction of the topic and background of the selected leader, followed by:

Task One and Two – Approximately 1,100 words, worth 45%

  • Critically analyse the significance of leadership in transforming organisational culture
  • Why is it important that both employees and organisation should equally benefit from any change the organisation is aiming to bring
  • Critically analyse the influence of individuals’ culture on organisation’s core culture.
  • Critically analyse the key skills, personal attributes and leadership style of the selected leader. Critically evaluate how effectively he/she managed individuals and teams to achieve business objectives.
  • Critically analyse why do leaders need to acquire management skills, and managers must learn how to lead.
  • Critically discuss leadership relationships that exist within organisations and the importance of balancing leadership and management skills.
    • Hint: Leaders without effective management skills cannot be effective
    • Managers without leadership skills struggle to build trust and engage with the individuals and teams.

Task Three – Approximately 700 words, worth 35%

  • What are different leadership style, discuss them briefly, choose one and critically analyse its effectiveness and shortcomings in the given context.
  • Critically evaluate the transformational leadership style, which must include:
    • The pros and cons of transformational leadership style
    • Under what circumstances a transformational leadership style works best, and why.
    • Gender differences and Transformational Leadership behaviour. Do both men and women lead in the Same Way?

General Guidance

  • Please refer to rubrics /marking criteria before you start writing your report, you will be marked only in accordance to the rubrics set.
  • The Report should ONLY include critical analysis.
  • Relevant argument, supporting justification, discussion, and conclusions based upon your analysis.
  • In text citation rules must be followed.

Conclusion – Maximum 100 words


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