HRMT 301

DESSA: Growing a diverse and inclusive artificial intelligence company

Purpose of Assignment: To examine beliefs, values, and behaviours that form individual and community identities and the basis for respectful relationships in the workplace.

Review the case and prepare a report answering the questions listed below:

1. Your report must have an introduction and a conclusion.

2. Provide a discussion on what diversity and inclusion mean. How has the meaning of these concepts evolved over the past decade?

3. Discuss why diversity and inclusion are important for Dessa.

4. How does Dessa compare with the Information technology sector in terms of diversity and inclusion.

5. Assess the hiring practices at Dessa, discuss where bias might play a role in selection process.

6. Discuss the legal implications of biased recruitment practices and selection decisions for Dessa.

7. With the current process, what is the risk some pools of highly qualified candidates will be overlooked and under-utilised.

8. Discuss steps Wong can take to increase the chances that strategic hires will be more diverse.

9. Describe elements of a diversity and inclusion program which Wong can implement at Dessa.

10. Describe steps Wong can take to measure success and the business impact of the diversity and inclusion program at Dessa.

Submission Instructions: This assignment requires you to prepare a written team report based on the details noted below.
  • Prepare a word-processed file of no more than 10 -15 pages (does not include a cover page and references).
  • Please include a cover page, and note your names and student IDs.
  • Please submit your assignment in the online dropbox on eCentennial in week 8. Late papers will be penalized 5% per day (including weekends) unless extenuating circumstances prevail.


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