Module: Introduction to Management

Essay: Provide an overview of the selected organisation with reference to its management structure, marketing activities and HR functions.

Assignment task(s) requirements:

Select ONE organisation from the list below to form the basis of your essay:

  1. Balfour Beatty
  2. Kier Group
  3. Travis Perkins
  4. Barratt Developments
  5. Morgan Sindall Group
  6. Interserve

How your work will be assessed

Write an essay on the management structure, role of marketing and human resource functions of a selected organisation.

Using publicly available materials, journals and the recommended core texts, address the following areas;

  1. Define the organisation
    1. Provide a detailed background of the organisation, the type of business and the area(s) in which it operates
  2. Outline the management structure of the selected organisation
    1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the organisation’s management structure
  3. Introduce marketing and its role within the selected organisation
    1. Briefly discuss the 4Ps of the Marketing Mix in relation to the selected organisation
  4. Provide an overview of the organisations Human Resources functions. Present details of;
    1. Recruitment and selection
    2. Employee relations
    3. Talent management


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