Module code: NSB 204

Module Subject: Mental Health: Self and Others


Length:-1100 words +/- 10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list).

Answer the following three questions:

Question one (total 500 words +/- 10%)

Stigma and discrimination towards people experiencing mental illness can inhibit people from seeking mental health treatment. Drawing on contemporary peer reviewed evidence:

a) Identify and discuss one barrier that may prevent a person from seeking treatment. (250 words +/- 10%)

b) Identify and discuss one enabler that may promote treatment seeking. (250 words +/- 10%)

Question two (total 300 words +/- 10%))

a) Briefly identify and reflect on one example of how mental illness can or has been stigmatised. Drawing from broader social influences such as media, social media, twitter or from your own experience or knowledge. (50 words +/- 10%)

b) Using your example from Q2a discuss and justify how you as a nursing student would ensure culturally safe, person-centered practice drawing on Cox et al. (2021) set as required reading set in O week. See QUT readings in the left-hand menu of Blackboard. (250 words +/- 10%)

Question three (total 300 words +/- 10%)

a) As a nursing student on clinical placement explain and justify one example in which you can advocate inclusion and support of people experiencing mental health issues using trauma informed care. (150 words +/-10%)

b)  Then briefly describe how your example meets the requirements of cultural safety as it is described in the Code of Conduct for Nurses (NMBA 2018). You must cite all sources. (150 words +/-10%)


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