Module Code: PBHL20007

Module Title: Cultural Immersion and Lived Experiences

Assessment 1 – Presentation

There are many health conditions that are defined by culture, rather than by clinical signs and symptoms. We say that these conditions are “culture bound,” meaning that they only exist within a certain cultural group because they derive from a perception of reality that is shaped by a set of cultural practices, assumptions, and interpretations. These are very real conditions, but they are defined by cultural beliefs, expectations and experiences.

In group of five members, each group will choose a specific health condition that has both cultural and medical significance and conduct a research about it. The presentation must answer the following questions using the evidence from the research the conducted about the chosen health condition.

1. What specific cultural beliefs and assumptions about the health condition exist?

2. To what extent do these beliefs and assumptions correspond to medical or clinical views to define, understand and manage the health condition?

3. How do the views of health care providers compare to the views of the community in relation to the health condition?

4. What real dilemmas or issues or complexities do we face because of the differences in medical and cultural views of this health condition?

5. What are the public health implications of the differences in defining health condition in cultural and medical perspectives? How these differences impact public health practice?

For example, a group could choose ‘Syphilis’ as health condition and look at various literature to understand how different culture defines this condition and the stigma associated with it. The group can then look a medical or epidemiology textbook to compare the clinical views of this condition and examine the differences between cultural and medical perspectives around ‘Syphilis’. To answer all five questions, group needs to look at various literature and conduct a critical review of these evidence, so clear arguments can be presented succinctly.

Each group will have 10 minutes for their presentation and each member of the group will be responsible to answer one question, prepare a slide, write presentation note and present in the class. Although this is a group assessment task, students will be assessed individually against following criteria.

1.     Ability to conduct research and gather evidence to answer the allocated question

2.     Ability to use evidence to provide critical arguments around the health condition

3.     Ability to prepare academically sound presentation in power point

4.     Ability to present clearly, concisely and succinctly

5.     Appropriate citation and referencing


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