Unit Code: PUBH6005

Unit Subject: Epidemiology

Length: 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes: The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

  1. Critically examine various research designs, in observation and experimental studies
  2. Analyse and interpret measures of association
  3. Explore the role of epidemiology in screening and prevention programs.


By prescribing this assessment, you are able to reflect on your understanding of the key concepts of epidemiology; study designs, sampling, measures of association, screening and surveillance. The skills gained in this assessment will allow you to apply your understanding of epidemiological research design and quality to the public health research environment; by appraising research studies, and understanding the role that screening and surveillance programmes play in public health research.


This assessment is broken into two Sections. In the first section you will be exploring epidemiological study designs and in the second section you will be applying your knowledge of screening and surveillance.

For each section please read over the research articles provided and answer the corresponding questions. Please clearly indicate both the section and the questions you are answering. Please refer to the word count guides provided with each question as an indication of the length required for each answer.

Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task


Section 1 (50 marks)

Please read the research articles provided on Blackboard for Section 1 and answer the following 4 questions for each article.

    1. Name the study design being used.
    2. Outline 3 features of this study design demonstrated in this article to support your answer. (100 words )
    1. Name the sampling frame and sampling/randomisation method.
    2. Describe this sampling/randomisation method, and
    3. Provide 2 reasons why this method was chosen. (100 words)
  1. Do the measures of association confirm or disagree with the hypothesis? And why? (100 words)
  2. Name one area of public health research that utilises the study design you have identified in Question 1. Provide 2 reasons of why this study design is utilised. (200 words)

Section 2 (50 marks)

Please read over the research article provided on Blackboard for Section 2 and answer the following 4 questions for each article.

  1. Name the disease being screened in this article. Why should this disease be screened in reference to the WHO Principles of Early Disease Detection? Provide 5 reasons. (200 words)
  2. What is the reference test and the index test? (50 words)
  3. Compare and interpret the sensitivity and specificity of the index test/s. (150 words)
  4. Read over the results of this screening program and provide a recommendation on the implementation of the screening program and 2 reasons to support your recommendation. (100 words)


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