Subject Code: PUBH6006

Subject Title : Community Health and Disease Prevention

Assessment 3: Plan – Emergency Response

Length: 1,500 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes: This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

  1. Examine concept of health emergency preparedness and response
  1. Analyse the health emergency plan in crisis situations.
  2. Integrate health promotion theories and public health frameworks to into practice
  1. Demonstrate clear and assertive communication across a range of settings and situations


Assessment 3 Template


Provide a short introduction which gives the reader an overview of the whole assignment (Introduction should not longer than half a page)

Context of the public health emergency (20%)

Provide an overview of the given public health emergency i.e., 2021 Eastern Australia floods, New South Wales (NSW).

Critically explain and analyse the given public health emergency by using appropriate information and relevant data such as statistical data on losses, damages and impacts of this situation on residents living in the flooding areas in NSW both physically and mentally.

The existing emergency response plan (35%)

Apply the approach to health emergency preparedness and response (either top-down or bottom-up) to critically analyse the existing emergency response plan/services/system in new South Wales (critical explain the approach which has been used by NSW government and relevant organisations).

Identify the area of improvement for public health practice in the scenario context.

Recommendation for future emergency response plan (35%)

Apply community engagement framework (NSDR CEF 2013)* to provide recommendations on improving the existing plan (NSW) or to develop a future emergency response plan for the given situation (2021 Eastern Australia floods, NSW).

The recommendations should be developed from the context of emergency combined with your ideas and existing evidence such as research or implemented programs. Discuss the potential stakeholders.


In a short paragraph, provide a useful overall summary of your assignment for the reader. Do not introduce any new information/ideas.


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