TEEL is a very familiar word for those who do essay writing, However, It makes more sense to beginners than to people who are pro at writing essays. So, if you have just started writing essays for your school, college, university assignments or for blogs, you must exploit this widely used technique called TEEL. It helps the writers in better Organisation of their ideas, information and opinions. By using this medium, the paragraphs of your essay can be in an appropriate order and arrangement. If you have used TEEL to structure the paragraphs of your essay, they will not only have information relevant to the subject area but also have evidence supporting the mentioned information.
T stands for Topic sentence
E stands for explain
E stands for evidence and
L stands for Link.
It may seem irrelevant to some beginners, but this can actually add quality to your essay and can give you better experience at writing.
TEEL paragraph structure
Essays written by using TEEL structure are well written and help the reader as well as the writer to explore the ideas with arguments and evidences. There should be 3 to 5 body paragraphs in an essay. There can be five sentences in each paragraph. However, it is not a strict requirement and the paragraph can be longer than that as well. As far as a typed paragraph (written with single line spacing) is concerned, It is better to keep it nearly half the page length. TEEL structure will be followed in all the body paragraphs which imply each body paragraph will require a topic sentence, evidence, explanation and link. The writer of the essay must ensure that separate topics are considered and discussed in each body paragraph and all those topics considered separately in body paragraphs must eventually form a link with the main topic of the essay.
Before starting to write the essay, the author must give enough time for exploring the key idea of the essay. Your essay should not sound as if you are only re-narrating your opinions and ideas without giving enough attention towards thorough analysis and critical thinking, Essays which do not offer solutions to the reader for the questions raised by the author do not do much good to the readers. Such pieces of writing usually leave the reader frustrated. Your piece of writing should show your capacity to the reading community in analysing and critical thinking.
TEEL writing structure in detail:
- Topic sentence– The first sentence of a body paragraph of the essay should be a topic sentence. It provides an idea about what information will be discussed in this paragraph. It means after reading the topic sentence, the reader should be able to know exactly what will be dealt in the given paragraph. In addition, an argument is necessary to be provided by the author in the topic sentence. This argument should relate to the main topic of the essay. Furthermore, readers should be able to get a clear overview of the essay after going through the topic sentence.
- Explanation-The next section of the body paragraph involves detailed explanation of the topic sentence along with previously discussed information. Arguments along with your claims should be included in this part of the paragraph. This section provides complete understanding to the reader about the idea discussed in a particular paragraph. An effective sentence writing requires the sentences to be short, crisp and to the point. Too much information in a single paragraph can leave the reader overwhelmed and confused.
- Evidence- Sustenance of arguments is ensured by supporting evidences in favour of that particular claim or argument. Therefore, this section involves sharing of enough evidences in favour of your claim that was put forward by you in the previous section. Quotes, references or factual data constitute different forms of evidences. A strong evidence can have a wonderful impact on your readers. Convincing evidences always help the readers to remember and retain the information more efficiently and effectively.
- Link- This section adds most significance to your paragraph as it establishes a coherent link between all the sections discussed and how they all link with the main topic of the essay. It summarises the whole paragraph in a brief manner. This section is not just about discussing the conclusion rather about developing a link and underlying the contribution of the given paragraph to the complete essay.
Advantages of using TEEL structure
- Increased credibility- Whenever an author uses TEEL structure for their essay, it becomes more impactful for the readers and the readers can perceive the ideas and main argument of the essay effectively.
- Enhances creativity– Usage of TEEL structure in an essay indicates a writer’s superiority. It enhances creativity, thinking ability and analysing skills of the writer which greatly increases the quality of the content produced by the writer.
- Maintenance of focus– It helps the writer to stick to his own topic rather than shifting his concentration to other related areas. This helps in providing information to the readers in a meaningful way.
- Stating of evidences- Including evidences for explaining the arguments and claims in TEEL structure enhances the analytical aspect of the essay and hence improves the quality of the writing.
- Path setting- TEEL structure provides a proper path to the writer for structuring their essay. The structure provided by this method instructs the author which information to be written at which place.
TEEL paragraph example:
At the start of the movie, Shavan is portrayed off as a bad person, but at the end, it was found that he is actually the hero of the movie (topic sentence). When the movie starts, Shavan is shown to the audience as a bad, selfish and torturous person (explanation). He is shown fighting with other people who come to his forest. He also scares small animals (evidence). But as the story progresses Shavan falls in love with a girl, Cedra (explanation) and helps her escape the danger twice by putting his own life at risk (evidence). Therefore, as Shavan saved Cedra’s life by helping her and showed his value for friendship more than anything else, proves him as the protagonist of the movie (link).
Contact Assignmentbee.com to get the best essay writing service:
So, if you have been looking for a trustworthy Essay writing service using TEEL paragraph structure, Our highly skilled writing team of experts at assignmentbee.com is eager to assist you. Go ahead and talk to our chat team about your essay requirements or just mail us directly with your assignment details at [email protected] and our support team will revert you back with the further process. Fill up the order now form and get free assistance for getting the best and most authentic assignment writing help. WhatsApp our team at +1-(647)-499-2225 and we will be delighted to solve your queries and demands.