Essay:  ‘Using responsible business theory to critique Ford’s sustainability plan

Word length: 2500 Words

Ford has recently announced plans to upscale and accelerate their transition to electric vehicles (EVs). This is part of a broader pack of initiatives to improve Ford’s environmental and social performance.

For the essay you are expected to analyze the following five elements:

Sustainable Value – 500 words

Analyse Ford’s sustainability reporting in terms of its fit with the sustainable value creation framework (Hart and Milstein, 2003)

In which of the four segments (1.Clean Technology; 2. Sustainability Vision; Pollution prevention; 3. Product Stewardship) do Ford’s initiatives sit?

Here I am looking for you to correctly match specific activities e.g. circular economy human rights electrification to a segment. Also take time to critically reflect on any mismatch or shortcoming.

You only have 500 words so you need to be selective

Circular Economy – 400 words

Here I want to you to correctly critique what circular economy is.

Identify and analyze Fords circular economy activities

Critique any shortfalls or other possible opportunities to extend Ford’s circularity

You have limited words so you will need to focus on specific examples

Human Rights and Ethics – 700 words

Reflect on the increase in supply chain issues in cobalt in relation to expansion of EV provision.

Here I want you to go beyond basic description of cobalt and issues. I want you to reflect on the moral hazards presented by sourcing cobalt and think of this as an ethical dilemma using moral philosophical framings

Analyse this using ONE theoretical perspective of moral philosophy (Consequentialist (Utilitarian); Categorical (Kantian); Virtue Ethics Perspective

Partnerships – 400 words

What makes NGO and business partnerships successful?

Why is this partnership important?

Reporting – 500 words

For this you will need to reflect on both the full integrated reporting IR report and summary document.

What targets are they setting?

Are the targets future orientated?

Are the targets internal facing or external facing?

Are they benchmarking these against other goals and stakeholders?

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