Module Code: XGBSHN3113

Module Subject: Academic Skills and Studying with Confidence (Literature review)

Short introduction to the task:

Word count =1500words

Choose any topic under health and social care under the guidance of your lecturer

Your topic should not be too broad or too narrow

Choose five key words to guide your literature review (ensure that the five key words align with your literature review title).

Key terms:

Literature Review = Summary of the information currently that has been published. Considering the key messages, the challenges, implications on practice and the limitations

Key Resources:

Finding the right materials online:

1.UK based (if possible)

2.Include relevant materials and activities: (information and activities on your chosen topic).



Student ID: insert your student ID Here

Module: Academic Skills & Studying With Confidence-3113

Word Count: 1500

Assessment 3: Literature Review

Title: Insert your title here (for example, The risk-factors that contribute to alcohol abuse amongst teenagers in the UK)

Key words: insert five key words here For example; Living in highly populated settings, Family history of alcohol abuse; lack of parental supervision; traumatic experience, early onset of alcohol use.

Introduction (200 words)

  1. Define (describe exactly) your topic using a definition from any of the following: World Health Organisation, Public Health England, Diagnostic & Statistical Manual-5 (DSM-5). Any mental health disorder must be defined using DSM-5. So, if you are looking at depression search DSM-5 criteria for depression.

Main body (middle of the essay) (1100 words)

Use your key words (ideas) to develop your main points as paragraphs. So, let’s say my key words are as follows: Living in a highly populated settings; family history of alcohol abuse; lack of parental supervision; traumatic experience; early onset of alcohol use. Create five headings as follows:

Key Words One-Living in highly populated settings (225 words)

Study 1: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings? 

Study 2: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Summary of this theme: What was similar (the same) about the findings of study 1 and study 2? Did study 1 and 2 have any different findings? Find an angle to study 1 and 2 which they missed.

Key Words Two-Family history of alcohol abuse (225 words)

Study 1: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Study 2: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Summary of this theme: What was similar (the same) about the findings of study 1 and study 2? Did study 1 and 2 have any different findings? Find an angle to study 1 and 2 which they missed.

Key Words Three-Lack of parental supervision (225 words)

Study 1: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Study 2: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Summary of this theme: What was similar (the same) about the findings of study 1 and study 2? Did study 1 and 2 have any different findings? Find an angle to study 1 and 2 which they missed.

Key Words Four-Traumatic experience. (225 words)

Study 1: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Study 2: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Summary of this theme: What was similar (the same) about the findings of study 1 and study 2? Did study 1 and 2 have any different findings? Find an angle to study 1 and 2 which they missed.

Key Words Five-Early onset of alcohol use. (225 words)

Study 1: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Study 2: What was the aim of the study? Who were their cohort (study group)? Where did they conduct the study? What were their findings?

Summary of this theme: What was similar (the same) about the findings of study 1 and study 2? Did study 1 and 2 have any different findings? Find an angle to study 1 and 2 which they missed.

Conclusion (200 words)

  1. Summarise the findings from your studies (100 words)
  2. Point to the areas which your studies did not cover (50 words)
  3. State why the points your studies failed to cover are important (for example, does not provide enough evidence to campaign for more resources in densely populated communities; does not create awareness of the issue amongst healthcare providers, teachers etc; does not address safeguarding issues or promote person centred care) (50 words)



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